The Philosophy of Yoga and Meditation is practical and applicable in our day-to-day living. The practice of Yoga and Meditation is a process of self-discovery. It is an awakening of long deep rooted memories of whom and what we really are! Yoga, as union, implies perfect harmony of body and mind. It implies the harmonious integration of personality. The most common benefit of Yoga practice and Meditation is the sense of well-being at all levels of our existence.
Meditation is one of the most natural and rewarding activity that can be practiced in the human life.
It gives access to intuitive experience of higher realities, and is the cornerstone of true spirituality. It also brings balance, rest, and a growing inner peace. Thousands of people have learned to meditate and are practicing and teaching others after completing this course.
Few Core Topics for the Beginners
What is not Meditation
What does Meditation truly mean?
Different Schools of Meditation.
Getting Meditation ready ?
Patanjali’s Yoga and its teachings of meditation
What are the fundamentals of traditional yogic disciplines?
Physical Benefits of Meditation.
Mental Benefits of Meditation.
Mind Management in Meditation
Understand the science of breathing, Sounds, Mantra and Visualization and learn the art of creating stillness in the mind and experience deep levels of peace.
Few Core Practices for the Advanced
Step by Step Meditation practice ( 7 Days).
Turning Within.
The Art and Science of Breathing.
Systematic Relaxation.
Mantra and Meditation.
Mindfulness and Meditation.
Love and Compassion Meditation.
Group Meditation.