Prenatal yoga is a multifaceted approach to exercise that encourages stretching, mental centering and focused breathing.
This course includes deep breathing techniques, Physical yoga poses, body flow and meditation for pregnant women. Reduce pregnancy health problems like Backache, gastric, swelling, nausea etc.Improve sleep and reduce uncomfortness. Prenatal yoga helps you to stay calm and get connected with your baby. Staying healthy, without gaining extra weight. After delivery also helps to come back in shape easily. Give you strength and a solid pelvic to deliver the baby naturally.
Each week will be counted and session schedules accordingly.
After 12 weeks of pregnancy you can join this course to get relief from stress, pain and anxiety,
To make your body able to do natural and normal delivery. Till the date of delivery date. We will do so many asanas and breathing to learn how to relax during labor. Preparing the body and mind for natural delivery.