REIKI - as we all know is hands on healing technique originated in Japan. Reiki works on physical,mental,emotional and spiritual level. It increases the immunity power to fight with ailments. Any individual can learn this healing technique in a day's workshop . It strengthens immunity power and aids in living healthy.You can heal self and others using hand positions on or near the body.Your mind become calmer, stress-free, eases depression, lack of confidence, addictions,insomnia,weight loss.
Topics Covered
Usui Reiki Level I (for beginners ) course includes: * The essence of the system of Reiki. * The history of Mikao Usui's teaching. * How to develop spiritual connectedness for yourself, your family and friends . * How to use hand positions to give and receive a full Reiki treatment . * How to connect to your original energy (called hara in Japanese) * Get masters attunement into the system of Reiki with four Japanese attunements * learn ways to meditate *use of Affirmations *Each student receives manual and certificate of completion.
Level 2 - * 3 powerful sacred symbols and mantras are introduced. * Attunement for Level 2 is given * Various methods of absent healing * Different ways to use Reiki symbols and mantras * Scanning, Combing, grounding in detail
Who should attend
Anyone from the age of 9 to 90 years who want to experience this painless,drugless healing modality and be part of it for ever.
A lifetime-gift you can give to yourself.
Sound mental condition.
What you need to bring:
Your I-card only .
Key Takeaways:
Besides the gift of energy the person attending the workshop will get reading material,audio CD to assist you in healing, certificate of completion and last but not the least - love,joy,peace which is yours forever.