1) Selenium Core
2) HTML & JavaScript
3) FireBug, Xpath and CSS
4). Java Basic
* Language Fundamentals
* History of Java
* Features of java
* Java Programming Language Keywords
* Data Type
* Variables
* Operators
* Comparisons
* If...Else
* Switch
* Functions
* For Loop
* While Loop
* Break Loops
* Try...Catch
5). Object Oriented Programming
* Class and Object
* Data Types
* Array Declaration, Construction and Initialization
* Encapsulation
* Polymorphism
* Inheritance
* File IO
* Collection
6). Eclipses
* Installing Eclipse
* Ant, Maven and TestNG plug-ins configuration in Eclipse
* Creating Simple Project in eclipse
* Eclipse and Selenium together
* Importing and Exporting
* Debugging using Eclipse
* Exploring Eclipse - Basic
* Exploring Eclipse - Advanced
7) .Selenium RC
8). Advanced Selenium 2.46 - Web Driver
* Introduction to selenium 2.46
* Advantages of web driver
* Web Driver v/s RC
* Architecture of Web Driver and RC
* Web Driver IDE
* Installation / Configuring Eclipse for Web Driver
* Identifying the elements in Web Driver Using Id, Name, Xpath ,Dom and CSS
* Working with Different drivers like HtmlUnit driver, Firefox Driver, Chrome Driver and IE Driver etc...
* Creating the generic scripts in Web Driver
* Screenshot, working on dynamic element.
* HTML & JavaScript
* Executing a JavaScript using Web Driver
* Mouse Action
* Handling new Browser window.
* Creating the scripts by using functions
* Web Driver Client Libraries
* Web Driver commands with examples
* Working with excel sheets using Web Driver
* Web Driver with TestNG / Junit
9). Usage of TestNG and Junit in Selenium
10). Selenium Grid
11). Ant/Maven Build Tool
12). Auto IT Script for handling windows
13). Automation Framework
* What is Framework
* Types of Frameworks
* What is modular framework
* What is Data Driven framework
* What is Keyword driven framework
* What is Hybrid framework
* Use of Framework
* How to develop the framework
* Integration of the framework
* How to execute the scripts from framework
14). Selenium Design Patterns
.15) Continues Integration
* What is CI and How we use it in Automation
* Configuration of Hudson/Jenkins.
* Run a test suite using Hudson/Jenkins
* Advantages of CI.