This course is especially helpful for IT and ITeS professionals who sit at their desks for long periods of time. In fact, the course should be beneficial to anyone, who sits or long hours at work and suffer from neck pain, back pain, spondylitis, diabetes and a host of other modern-day health issues. The aim of the course is to show you improvements in many areas of your health. By practicing regularly you can:
delay aeging by increasing body flexibility
increase muscle tone and strength
improve your circulatory and cardio health
helps you sleep better
increase your energy levels
improve athletic performance
reduce injuries
detoxify your organs
improve your posture
improves anxiety and depression
helps with chronic pain
release endorphins that improve your mood
- improve eye sights
and so much more...
We begin with classical hatha yoga by warming up and practising some of the simplest Asanas. As you move down the course, it goes from Chair Pose, Neck Rotation, Asvathasana or HolyTree Pose etc to more complicated forms of Surya Namaskaar, Ardhmatyesender, Gomuhkasana, Sarvangasana, Shalabhasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana etc to the more relaxing poses for Bandahs and Pranayamas, finishing with chanting of Om three times and a powerful shloka for peaceful mind, peaceful soul and peaceful world.